The prophetic prognosticators at the always eponymous Warner Bros. . . .
18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . foresee more than 60 years into the future with FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON (1958), picturing an America STILL rife with monuments to the Treasonous Confederate Traitors, STILL dominated by Anti-Science Anti-Logic Anti-Common Sense Fundamentalist Know-Nothings, and STILL at the mercy of wildfire-like Conspiracy Theories flashing through the media at lightning speed. FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON novelist "Jules Verne" makes a cameo appearance here to get in the final word in which he concedes that Warner Bros.' warnings of imminent doom trump anything he ever was able to concoct. Even "Ike," one of the heartless ringleaders of "Herbie Hoover's" massacre of heroic U.S. World War One veterans (along with their wives and kiddies) at a Washington, DC "Hoover-Ville," would plagiarize FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOOM shortly after its release for his farewell Oval Office rant against the "Military\Industrial Complex." Warner uses this flick to warn us that NO ONE will be safe in America as long as there are "Daughters of the Confederacy" running around loose among We True Blue Loyal Patriot Progressive Union Label Normal People stirring up Trouble. They and their Satanic Verses-Thumping cousins MUST be stripped of citizenship, ill-gotten assets, and bloomers and deported ASAP to Russia, Antarctica, the Moon, or any other far-off place IF the USA is to have ANY chance for survival!
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