The Airzone Solution (1993 Video)
Oh please.....
16 March 2019
Good grief. Doomwatch meets the Timelords, and there are four of them! Plus Nicola Bryant and Alan Cumming. Take a handful of ex-Dr Who actors, get the budget from petty cash, knock up a poor script and then film it on tape. What could possibly go wrong? I'm sure this will appeal to keen Dr Who fans who lap up anything connected to the series, but for the rest of us it's just lame. The story about an evil company pretending to solve an environmental crisis while actually conspiring to make things worse is good and would have done Doomwatch proud, but the script is limp and the direction somewhat intermittent. Apparently the mighty Tom Baker could see which way the wind was blowing and declined the offer. Sorry to sound so negative, but this is one that should have stayed in the can.
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