Review of Trotsky

Trotsky (2017)
Gives Hints on Internal Russian Propaganda
14 March 2019
I appreciated the reviews of this movie by dorin-93538 and Evil-Herbivore and agree with most of their comments. I would like to add my speculation as to the Russian government's motivation for financing and applauding this series.

Stalin still has significant support in today's Russia. Some of it may of it may be nostalgia for the days when things were simple and stable on the surface even if daily life was impoverished and there were a lot of things that couldn't be safely talked about. There may also be conscious political support for increased authoritarianism by Putin's government.

The Trotsky series supports rehabilitation of Stalin by making him appear a competent bureaucrat and Trotsky a wild and crazy fanatic who, at the end of his life, partially repents his deeds. In the West, Stalin rather than Trotsky is usually viewed as the bad guy.
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