A very average and run of mill entry in the with some good things in it.
13 March 2019
The movie is not terrible it has a few good scenes and things in that I really liked it, but it is overall a very forgettable and bland movie. Let's start with the positive aspects of the movie first. Samuel L Jackson is of course always fantastic in the movie even though the dialogue in the film isn't very funny and is sort of boring. You can tell he is trying his best to make the material work. Another positive aspect of the movie is Goose the cat where most of the movie's humor comes from. The final positive aspect of the movie is the effects in space they are not mind-blowing or anything we haven't seen before but it is still cool to watch things go boom! even if the action scenes are not very memorable and sort of boring. Now to the negative aspects of the movie Captain Marvel her self is not very heroic at all in the movie and it tries so hard to make you care when you really don't,Most of this comes from the dialogue and Brie Larson herself her performance feels very wooden like she is just going through the motions of the character without much energy. Another issue is that the film feels very bland without much style compared to other movies in the MCU.Like with those films those directors brought their own style to the movie here it feels like anyone could have directed it. The film itself doesn't have much character or style to it. Also, the villain was pretty good with Sam Mendelson,but I wish they would have done more with his shapeshifting abilities. Overall this just a-okay popcorn flick that the whole family can enjoy without much else,or anything new added to the Marvel formula.I also think the tribute to Stan Lee at the beginning was a nice touch.
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