Biblically accurate and applicable
12 March 2019
So, i didn't know exactly what i was getting into when i hit play on this movie...i usually get angry with films that claim to be Christian or Biblical films but end up way off on the Biblical truths, accounts and doctrines... or i get offended at films making fun of Jesus Christ or God in general (examples: Bruce Almighty, Evan Almighty, and Noah starring Russell Crowe was just a flat out insult!)

However, in this particular film i was sucked in to the story (it's very applicable to issues of today-suicide, affair, marriage, depression, guilt, seeking a sense of purpose, love, kindness, helping others, etc.) and i was intrigued by God's answers to the interview questions!

I do not have a degree in theology, however, i have grown up in a Christian home and church (I've been a Christian for 35 years) and i know the stories of the Bible quite well and i would even say my hobby is studying the scriptures. I listen to preaching in my spare time and love taking college classes on anything in relation to the Bible.

All this to say that in this film, God did indeed answer all the interview questions (some reviews claim that God just left the guy hanging...obviously they were not paying close attention to the conversations) , and every answer God gave was accurate to the King James Bible and what the Bible teaches/informs us about: 1. Who God is. 2. What His characteristics are. 3. What His nature is. 4. Why He created us. 5. What our purpose is. 6. Why God cares or loves us. 7. What God desires from us. 8. Why God gave mankind free will. 9. Why bad things happen to good people. And the list can go on and on...

There is very little mention of Jesus and His sacrifice for mankind in this movie (which is crucial for salvation), however, i believe the purpose of this movie is to:

(1) wet the appetite of those who are seeking to know who God is and whether He exists or not.

(2) remind/inform believers that while faith (in Christ's sacrifice for our sins) does indeed give us salvation (eternity with the Almighty), faith isn't the only thing that God had intended for us, God loves us and desires to have a personal relationship with every single soul to ever exist!

Why else would He send Christ to die for us? To save us by the skin of our teeth? No! God used Christ to build a bridge over the gap of sin so that we could walk with Him and talk with Him just like He intended at the very beginning when He first created man in the garden of Eden!

This film portrays a beautiful picture of how God moves and interacts in the lives of people today! Does God give literal interviews? Most would say no...but in truth, He answered all the questions before they were asked...His answers are in the scriptures...just because you don't see the answers immediately doesn't mean they aren't there.
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