Woo-Wee These People Are Mad
12 March 2019
It's menopause against testosterone in this PERIOD epic. 14 Amazons is about some Yang general who gets killed and all these broads simultaneously have PMS and decide to avenge him. Yup! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This movie is hilariously brutal. Lots of people getting pissed off and stabbing and chopping each other to death. It's the best. The story is simple and straight forward which is typically revenge based and blah blah blah. And in case any of you care, this is not a kung fu per say. It's more of a war movie where most of the fights are simple and brutal as opposed to being choreographed like a typical kung Fu movie like, say, Heroes Two or whatever. 14 Amazons is violent as Hell, the characters are all on crack and it's a load of fun.
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