My favorite of the 3D Zelda games, perhaps my fave period
12 March 2019
I enjoyed the 3D games such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess; however, I also found them to contain flaws. Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess I found the dungeons over huge, Majora's Mask I felt was too repetitive and then Windwaker I found to have a very bland over world as it just took forever to sail to places. Skyward Sword I could not even get through because there was a really good game in there, but it was plagued by the WII's shoddy controls. This one though was just great, not perfect, but closer than any of the other 3D perspective games I have played. My other super favorite Zelda game is the one for the Super Nintendo, Link to the Past. This Zelda game is more about exploring and I enjoy doing that a lot. There are dungeons, but they are navigated easily and it doesn't take all that long to get through them and I did not need a guide to navigate them! A real treat and a great entry to the series.

The story has Link awakening from a slumber with no memories. He gets a device called a Shieka Slate that helps him navigate the world and he sets out on his quest to stop Ganon who is at it once again! Link must find shrines to increase his power, he must free the guardians to gain powers and help aid in his quest to defeat Ganon and he must help the lands become free of terror that is Ganon!

The game play is mainly exploring as you get to got where you want after you get through the first plateau and get the glider. Granted, it becomes easier getting places the more stamina you build up as this Link has amazing climbing abilities! It is fun just searching for towns, stables to spend the night and checking the map and seeing if anything looks interesting to explore. You can find this little guys called Koraks that give you seeds that help expand your inventory and you can find shrines to help you can heart containers and more stamina plus there are fairy fountains to help increase the strength of your inventory. Weapons break in this one and at times that was a bit annoying, but not as bad once you get the master sword. I also wish Nintendo had a trophy system because it would have added more motivation to complete quests, as you do not get all that much for completing most quests, usually just rupees which are kind of plentiful in this one.

So, definitely my favorite of the 3D perspective Zelda games and perhaps my fave period. I loved the exploring aspect of the game, though I did not really take advantage of the horse riding in this one. I was afraid I would miss too much riding the horses. It is fun finding new places in this one, as I said I would open the map and try to figure out an interesting place to go during my quest. Where a shrine might be hidden or a Korak may be hiding. I liked freeing the guardians and gaining powers that would help me survive longer or explore more fully too. Just an incredible game, I like this format and hope they do a variation of it for another Zelda, but perhaps add a few more typical dungeons to change it up.
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