Royal Rumble (1998 TV Special)
The Beginning of The Attitude Era
9 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When someone talks about the "Attitude Era" of the WWE, this is the event I usually point to to show it really coming together. Though not a great card in its own right, it's a very positive sign that the WWE's floor at the moment is a 6/10 star event (considering a year or two previous they were putting out some of the worst content in their history).

A few thoughts/observations on the '98 Rumble:

-The best single match on the card is probably The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock. Rock's vocal skills are being highlighted (finally), while Shamrock's intensity is fun in a goofy sort of way.

-Legion of Doom vs. New Age Outlaws is actually a decent tag match (this coming from an individual who usually is not "into" tag matches much at all).

-Unfortunately, the Rumble itself isn't all that great. Very top-heavy and then filled with a bunch of jobbers. Having Stone Cold win it the second year in a row also feels a bit anticlimactic, but it was fun to see him briefly lock up with The Rock at the end (that pairing would becoming iconic in little time). Mick Foley's three personalities (Cactus Jack, Mankind, Dude Love) all entering at different times was hilarious too.

-The finale, Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker, is a bit of a letdown match-wise but somewhat redeemed by the Undertaker/Kane angle. Much like Hart/Undertaker a few events ago was more of a "push" for Michaels, this match's main purposes seems to be the push for the "brotherly rivalry". The casket on fire is a great, memorable image in WWE history.

Overall, the '98 Rumble isn't the greatest of PPVs, but it is entertaining enough to be watchable. The Attitude Era is off and running!
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