Black Panther (2018)
The difference with "Black Panther" is that, while observing the outlines of the traditional comic book arc, Coogler and his creative team have enlarged and revitalized it.
9 March 2019
Black Panther My Review (10/10) This is by far the best Marvel movie ever. Impressively well-acted film. The difference with "Black Panther" is that, while observing the outlines of the traditional comic book arc, Coogler and his creative team have enlarged and revitalized it. Drawing on elements from African history and tribal culture, as well as contemporary and forward-looking flourishes, "Black Panther" pulses with color, vibrancy and layered textural beauty, from the beadwork and textiles of spectacular costumes and warm, dazzlingly eye-catching production design to hairstyles, tattoos and scarifications that feel both ancient and novel. The MCU not only needed this movie, but all of the United States needed this movie. For a superhero movie, "Black Panther" exceeds exceptions and is sure to leave its impact of being one of the best in its genre. Socially aware, aesthetically captivating and emotionally pulling, this movie is one that is sure to leave its mark as one of the best superhero movies of recent memory.
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