Incredibles 2 (2018)
After 14 years the Incredible's are back and in a sequel that, in many ways, surpasses the outstanding original.
9 March 2019
Review for "Incredible's 2" (9/10)

After 14 years the Incredible's are back and in a sequel that, in many ways, surpasses the outstanding original. Pixar's Incredibles 2 excels in its ability to balance the important and emotional familial aspects of the story with the exciting superhero antics moviegoers have come to expect in the era of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The interesting gender role themes that exist for the Parr family also resonate with the Deavors. Evelyn appears to be content with playing second-fiddle to her brother; however, when Helen starts working for Winston by moonlighting as a superhero, she encourages Evelyn to embrace her brilliance and be more outspoken. If Helen's story seems similar to Bob's adventures in the previous movie, don't worry; this time around, the Parrs are acting as a team from the very beginning. Without going into spoilers, let's just say that Elastigirl's missions are fun to watch and when Dash, Violet, Bob, and Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) get involved in the action, it feels like you're looking at an animated version of Avengers. Jack Jack steals every scene he's in, and he even gets a scene all to himself to let the audience know how many powers he has. Incredibles 2 also does a tremendous job of expanding its universe, but not at the expense of the Parr family story, which is always front and center. Brad Bird's strong script and direction elevate this animated adventure to new heights. Instead of trying to copy or parody the superhero films of the past 14 years, Incredibles 2 embraces what made its first outing so memorable: The Parr family and their willingness to work together in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
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