28 February 2019
Colin Terverrow's, 'Jurassic World' is a wasted opportunity. By all means the film isn't bad, just okay. The story feels like a retread of the first 3 movies, and hardly anything original is done in this flick. The acting is very good and the characters are extremely likable which Trevorrow is very good at, creating likable characters. Christ Pratt is a modern day Indiana Jones in this flick, he is very good and very fun. Bryce Dallas Howard is a lot of fun as well. The newcomer children actors are watchable until the 'divorce' subplot is introduced randomly. The music is excellent by Michael Giacchino, the new John Williams. The dinosaurs are fun for the first half when they are just being shown off, but become nonsensical in the films final battle. Far too many references to the original Jurassic Park, great acting, an annoying divorce subplot and a pointless military subplot, fun humor, nice visuals, a lackluster story. The die hard Jurassic Park fans will praise it, but the average movie goer can still have fun with this one. I do recommend this one
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