One of the best Star Wars films ever made!
28 February 2019
'Solo: A Star Wars Story" is one of the best Star Wars films ever made! It is so much fun, the most fun since Empire Strikes Back, this movie is basically that sequence in the asteroid field but for 2 hours, this movie is enjoyable from start to finish. I was never a big fan of Han Solo but this movie made me more interested since we get to see a Han Solo who has yet to become the Han in the original trilogy. The Han Solo actor is very good, making his own take on the character that dare I say, challenges Harrison Ford's. Donald Glover is very good and makes Lando a very funny character, but is overall doing a Billy Dee Williams impression which isn't bad, he is very smooth as Lando should be. The music is fantastic by John Powell and an excellent pirate like theme for Han from John Williams. The acting is great, the music is excellent, the story if very good and fun. The only complaint I have from this movie is one specific scene towards the end, the whole movie feels like it should be leading to it, but it feels extremely rushed and should've taken more amount of time to set up. Overall a great entry into the Star Wars saga, highly recommend!
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