GTA VR (2016)
I have no connection with GTA and I liked it
28 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"GTA VR" is a 7-minute, mostly live action short film from 2016, so not too new, not too old and the title here already gives away that this one is linked to the successful long-running video game franchise GTA. The director is Adrian Picardi and he is also one of the four writers working on this one. Yep that's true 4 credited writers for a film considerably under 10 minutes, but as long as it works out as nicely as it is the case here, I think it is all good and not another case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. I must say though I almost felt bad for the main character really with the way he was written as this is honestly all about Steven Ogg playing the central character's mentor/trainer. Ogg is by far the most known cast member here, probably the only somewhat famous thanks to his appearances on stuff like The Walking Dead. And he can go shamelessly over the top here and so he does and he gets away with it because nothing in this virtual relatiy is actual real reality. Some funny moments for sure. Early on, I was not thrilled yet, but the longer it goes, the more entertained I was. Also appreciated that Ogg is not gone around the 4-minute-mark even if it seems that way for a few seconds, but yeah in a world without physical laws really, or where they are not strictly applied, stuff like teleporting is an option too. Also nice joke on his comment with zombies clearly making a reference to himself on The Walking Dead. The ending is pretty fun too with the only thing, i.e. the main character, we felt was real, suddenly being an action figure too. Earlier on, we have Ogg's character ramble on about the nerdy creator of this virtual reality. I thought this was decent fun. You never expect what happens next (the best example is the random Iron Man appearance out of nowhere) and it was not only a funny film, but also visually fine. Okay, it would not have worked for much longer then 7-8 minutes admittedly, but as they took that really short route, it is all fine. You don't need to know, let alone appreciate GTA to like this short film. I myself know nothing about these games except what the abbreviation stands for. And I still had a fun time watching. Thumbs up.
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