Starfleet invades Cardassia, A Pah-wraith invades the wormhole
27 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Caldoor Joy! The Sisko is loving being the Emissary these days, he's been awarded the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, and is leading the invasion of Cardassia despite warnings from The Prophets.

Jadzia tells Quark and Julian the she wants to have Worf's baby so they go to Vic's and have him sing to them about being losers. They feel better afterwards.

A meeting is held to determine the feasibility of adding a pair of Klingons to every Romulan zoo. The proposal does not go over well so the invasion of Cardassia is planned instead. Honestly, its a shame the Romulan fleet commander is not a season 7 regular. He adds some much needed friction to the war effort.

After reading the script, Jadzia and Julian decide to stay behind on the station while Garek and Kira take their places on the Defiant. I am sure a former spy and resistance member are more valuable to the invasion effort than a seasoned science officer and medic. Especially when you know you might have to deal with weapons platforms that shoot straight through shields. On the other hand, the Defiant does have ablative-plot-armor.

For such a pivotal episode, I wish it were better written.

Verdict: Watchable, some-what enjoyable, but ultimately unsatisfying.

Fun Facts:

There is a federation officer in a TNG era uniform standing in the back ground while the invasion of Cardassia is being debated.
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