The Red Green Show (1991–2006)
Many think it was great, yet a few didn't get it.
25 February 2019
The Red Green Show was a spoof of the stereotypes women had of men. Understanding that went a long way toward seeing the humor in the show as a whole, even if there were occasional skits that didn't knock it out of the park. The segments, the characters, the topics all worked way more often than not, if you understood what the show was trying to accomplish. The title character was so lovable that you couldn't really not like him. Most of the characters were equally as endearing. Yes, there were episodes that were better than others, but even with shows like Monty Python's Flying circus, which is considered comedy genius, some episodes and segments just worked better than others. As a whole, the show left a deep impression on many fans, and after all these years I still watch episodes and laugh out loud. Of course it's sometimes absurd, of course it's sometimes over the top, of course it's often silly. It's parady. It's a spoof. Their spoofing of the stereotypes women hold of men were spot on, and brilliantly portrayed. And, when it was hitting on all cylinders, it was, and still is, comic gold.
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