What a shame
23 February 2019
No surprise this spin-off of CM has only survived one season. I'm reviewing this in 2019, so people probably aren't even checking reviews since 2011 was the only Season but here goes anyway. I'm a huge CM fan and you simply cannot clone the chemistry of the original. For this supposedly "elite team" that is so hot they skip bureaucracy, report only to the director, they come across as a bunch half-baked cops, nothing elite about them or the cases they bumble through. Much of what I'm thinking has already been said so just a couple things: given the incredibly negative tone of some reviews, if somebody really dislikes this show, why do they take time to write ad nauseam, paragraph after paragraph just to say so?!? Who has that kind of time on their hands?!? I've often like Whitaker but here I find him cringe-worthy, seems more like a cheap psychic, dripping with sorrow and naval-gazing pain than a profiler/detective. I thought good detectives (oops, I mean Special Agents) are supposed to remain objective, let evidence lead them. Whitaker's character seems to pull assumptions from his emotions instead, I keep waiting for him to burst into tears, do a monologue on his life of suffering or something. Last thing I'll say, isn't Janeane Garofalo a stand up comedian? What is she doing here? Did she get lost on her way to the comedy club? She should stick w comedy and, clearly, I should stick w "CM Classic"...
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