"It seemed to me as they went in that the little donkey smiled."
18 February 2019
Little Vittorio Manunta is cheated by the adults he does business with, but he has some good friends, like the priest and the American sergeant who still sends him packages from Brooklyn. His best friend is his donkey, Violetta, who helps him with his business. One day, however, Violetta falls ill. She may be dying. He asks to take his donkey into the church dedicated to Saint Francis, who loved all G*d's creatures. The rules are clear: only people can go in. The door through which he might bring the ailing beast was walled up a century and a half ago. He asks that it be torn down and is told that only the Pope can order it done. Remembering what his friend the sergeant told him, to never take no for an answer, he goes to the Vatican and asks to see the Pope.

Young Mr. Manunta is a charming young boy, and the unnamed jenny who plays Violetta is too. This tale of simple faith made me weep; far too many movies claim to be heartwarming, but are obviously calculated. I suppose this one was too, but the simplicity of story and character charmed me throughout.
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