Tormented (2014)
Great beginning but steadily declines throughout
16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started out with a lot of potential. AJ King's character Kylie is very relatable. She's very pretty but not in a model sort of way that's distracting. She's a little insecure and and got pressured into sexual activity. She has a strict mother who doesn't understand what she's going through.

From the beginning of this movie we see a kind girl who is the victim of cruel bullies. The scene of Kylie crying in the shower was very well done. I was able to really feel for Kylie and step into her shoes.

The problem is this movie doesn't take the first act anywhere. When Kylie goes to babysit in a creepy house, we don't see her grow as a character when she is attacked by creepy intruders wearing pig masks.

Kylie is smart and pretty good at keeping her cool, but she doubts herself. I would have liked to see Kylie channel her anger from the bullying into self-confidence and growth.

Instead, we get Kylie on the phone with a suspicious sounding 911 operator for almost the whole middle of the movie.

The ending is even worse. The student who assaulted her (Markus) shows up for no good reason. There are a few highlights: Kylie was able to turn the tables on Markus and use her ingenuity in the truck to handle her attackers.

The highlights are good but still left me wanting a lot more.

The ending scene in the hospital was so unrealistic I wish I could unsee it. I could excuse one major plot hole (Markus showing up randomly) but not that hospital scene.

Berkshire county would be a much better movie if they used Kylie's trauma to help her develop over the course of the movie.

Instead, Berkshire County was written in a way that makes the first part unnecessary really. We don't need to learn about Kylie being bullied if it doesn't contribute to the rest of the plot.

In a nutshell, this movie didn't make use of its strong points. Maybe the director and writers were trying to make the plot unpredictable, but I found it discombobulating.

I would have preferred Markus and his girlfriend being behind the attack and Kylie getting revenge on them through her superior intelligence and character. This was what I was expecting but we got a bunch of fakeouts instead :(

Sometimes being predictable isn't so bad.
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