These reviews are as ridiculous as the the VIPs
15 February 2019
Ok everyone, calm down. The best way to view these kinds of shows is to carry the awareness that the producers of reality series like this one intentionally profile, probably with psych "personality" inventories disquised as simple questionaires, the participants, and deliberstely select individuals with high levels of neuroticism, sociopathic tendencies, narcissism, etc, in varying quantities. Brent is obviously a sociopath as a clear example. Think of it like an unethical, poorly controlled social science experiment. The basic formula of puttong a few normalish people in with a bunch of narcissists makes for really excellent tension and drama. This show is a way for Lohan to promote her business ventures, while MTV gets to test out yet another iteration of said formulaic social experiment, with hopes of netting some repeat veiwers. The most ridiculous thing about this show is the reviews here on IMDB which feign outrage. Have you not all seen Jersey Shore? Big brother? Idle celebrity wannabes (the VIPs- Lohan is already a celeb.) show everyone how aweful they are on camera...
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