Glimpses Of The Bottom
10 February 2019
Hokey monsters, bad dialogue, worse acting, so what else does a drive-in movie freak from the 50's want. Yeah, it's a carload of funny groans, though I could have used more naked girls. Of course, crowding 50 competitors into 60-minutes means only a glimpse of the badness. In many cases that's enough. Included among the ghastly herd are such 50's classics as Plan 9 From Outer Space, Bride of the Gorilla, Glen or Glenda, but most are from the 60's and 70's, and drip Technicolor gook, yucky white fangs, and laughable make-up. Also, there may be many you've never heard of, probably ones that got pulled after a few showings. But then what would you expect from cheapo's like these. They really make no pretenses, and sometimes serve as springboards for later icons like Cameron, DeNiro or Coppola.

What I'd really like to see, however, are the 50 worst big budget flicks, that is, those with pretenses. You know, like Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (1959), Cleopatra (1963), or anything with Burton and Taylor. They may not have the grotesque moments of the cheapo's, but they do add up to slumber fests and cost a lot more money to make and see. So here's to the day when we get a load of the 10 worst slumber fests. Meanwhile, I think I'll crank up this flick for another round of look-see laughs.
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