The Transformers (1984– )
Vehicular and Robo Warfare
9 February 2019
This is one of my favorite animated shows of all time, it's also another childhood relic of mine, but also my second favorite "Transformers" cartoon in the franchise. I've seen this cartoon when I was about seven, I loved it then and even as an adult I still love it along with the other generations of kids and adults, the franchise is just timeless and continues to grow with no end of the road in sight.

The Transformers were a phenomenon in pop culture, from the toy line which are just all well designed, I still love having them on my hand to play with. By their nature the Transformer toys were two toys in one as they are both robot and vehicle as one. Transforming the toys back and forth was fun and a bit of a challenge as they were sort of like a physical three-dimensional puzzle, though once you figure it out and practice a bit it comes naturally. And of course, there are the video games (the three games from "Activision" and that one from "Atari" are cool), as well as the comics my favorite is the run from IDW. But of course, there is this cartoon which is the real kicker as it truly was the one that helped start it all and is what really got me into the franchise. The animation is awesome, I really love the character animation and detail of the robots. The music and sound effects are also great, whenever I hear that series of sounds when they transform it is just music to my ears. However, I really love the theme song which is one of my favorite theme songs of all time, though my favorite version of it is in season 2 as it just has a few more lyrics that gave it more flavor.

But this is a show where it's more style overtopping substance, yeah there is a plotline but with only a minimum amount of development, we're all in for the action. The action is just awesome it's just simply fun seeing both factions of robot's duke it out in a combination of both vehicular and robotic warfare. As we see them not just shooting and punching each other out but transforming back and forth from vehicle or robot form which in a way shows some creativity in combat.

Both the autobot and deceptacon characters are just awesome as they are all unique and have personas, I really like how the motives of both are drawn out and colorful the ensemble truly is, you can literally route for both factions which fits as we've always played as both sides with both toys.

The Autobots are cool as their robots that change into automotive vehicles. Optimus Prime he's my favorite Autobot and fictional heroes. He's played well by one of my favorite voice actors Peter Cullen, he is Optimus Prime much as Peter Weller is Robocop and Christopher Reeve is Superman you don't want any other. Always loved his voice which just sings out strong authority, determination and command, yeah, he's straight laced but in a good way.

Really love the design of him and his color scheme which is kind of patriotic as there is a mix of red, white (ok, some white) and blue which I feel perfectly reflects his character. Let alone the fact that he's a semi, it just says he's a force to be reckoned with and nothing will stop him. But what I really like about him is despite his strength in both position and combative skill, it's his sense of humanity and consciousness that truly surpasses. He cares about his teammates and all life around him but also is a person aware of his limitations, yeah, he could easily take over Earth with the Decepticons if he wants to but he doesn't because he doesn't desire power and even if he had it would never be nor feel right.

The Decepticons are equally cool may 'be at time more so as they change into vehicle of destruction which rings true to their title.

Megatron is my favorite Deceptcon and one of my favorite fictional villains. He is voice perfectly by my favorite voice actor Frank Welker whom is just a master of vocals. This is just my favorite voice acting role from him, his voice just sings absolute menace and ruthless determination, it really gives you chills almost as he's a power monger that is just completely focused and set on his nefarious goals and does anything even resorting to dirty tactics to accomplish them.

But what makes him ruthless is how he will let nothing stop him, he will kill anyone to everyone that stands in his way or lay woe to anyone that tries to overtake his position much as anyone that defends their reign on the Iron Throne. Really love the design of him, with that powerful arm canon of his, but he does my favorite transformation as he changes into a hand gun; how the heck he can shrink down to size for any of his fellow deceptacons to handle is anyone's guess. But that transformation perfectly reflects what kind of of person he is a destructive force that will destroy anything in its line of sight.

Starscream he another one of my favorite fictional villains as his character whom is played by another of my favorite voice actors Chris Latta, despite being a number two he's not content as he is just constantly scheming to get to the top fast. I always like the rivalry between both Megatron and Starscream which is blackly fun and funny most of the time, it's sort of like the rivalry much like anyone constantly fighting for the Iron Throne. It's always kind of funny as Starscream's schemes most of that time fall flat due to his Achilles' heel which are his power lust, egotism, and even a bit yellow.

Soundwave (also played by Frank Welker), he's awesome as he has a little platoon to command which consists of three mini transformers each made as tape cassettes he shoots out all unique in function and feature from Laser Beak a small tetradecyl whom acts as intelligence, Rumble infiltration, and Ravage a mini panther covert attack. But to me what I really love is that voice which is just music to my ears as he sounds like a Cylon from "Battlestar Galactica."

Shock Wave he's awesome despite not really in this animated show much is cool, I really like his voice which has that coldness. To me he's sorts of an evil Vulcan as he's a person that operates on cold logic. He also transforms into a gun which looks a lot bigger and more powerful than Megatron's, which in a way is a little hint on how he might be more powerful than him.

If you're a fan or rookie to the franchise, or even just simply a fan of vintage animation then this is a great place to start or worth a test drive. Like any well-preserved vintage car, this show looks and runs well and has plenty of millage for fun.

Rating: 4 stars
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