Review of Ja'loja

The Orville: Ja'loja (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
The likeable cast deliver a fun but flawed episode... be careful writers
5 February 2019
The cast make this episode enjoyable. They are likeable, and they have the camaraderie to lift this episode above its script. It's the little moments in the writing that give the episode that special something - like Issac flat out telling Claire she's a bad mother.

The issue with the script is this is three B stories. Star Trek - which FYI, Orville might be aping slight if you hadn't noticed maybe - had the A story and the B story. It's a format that worked for many years.

All three elements here are solid B stories. But three B stories do not an episode make.

I am very concerned about Kelly as a character too. Her relationship with the captain was the weakest element of season one, and it was all her character was defined by.

I had one wish for change in season two: she becomes her own character. Clearly that will not be the case.

The melodrama in the season opener as well as the actual lack of core story has me a bit fearful for season two and its ability to gain traction. Majority Rule from season one would have been a great way to kick off the season. That's the level the show needs to aim for.
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