Europa Report (2013)
Low budget jumble
5 February 2019
This is the second time I have tried to get through this - the first was defeated by poor acting and a plodding storyline. It's corny and the characters are wooden and elicit no empathy.

So here we are again - if anything with added authenticity thanks to Virgin Media's s**t, overpriced poor reception and constant pixilation.

Having passed the point I last abandoned this offering (the dawning realisation that things aren't going well and the resultant bickering amongst the crew) I felt that the docu-drama style presentation was beginning to irritate me intensely. I guess it's a style you either like or not - I find it's hard to get right and that is the case here.

I found moments of intended suspense unconvincing and split screen scenes just enabled me to watch three unknown, bad acting performances instead of just the one.

All in all this could have been set in the desert, an abyss under the sea, a haunted house, a cave etc and the result would have been the same. An ultimately tedious, low budget splodge.
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