Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (2018 Video Game)
The worst in the Black Ops series...
4 February 2019
Without a doubt, Black Ops 4 is the worst Call of Duty game in the Black Ops series.

Starting with campaign, how about I talk of how there isn't one. Every Call of Duty has had a campaign/story-mode with the exception of this one due to Treyarch (the company who designed the game) replacing it with a Battle Royale mode. This was most-likely a cash-grab attempt but it did not work out. The map is simply too large for the player-"cap" (100 players at maximum) and the map is mostly open space with there being no building aspect in this game mode. Really, it comes down to which player shoots first because there is no possibility of gaining the upper ground from that point on.

With Treyarch games, I have always found the multiplayer aspect to be phenomenal. Black Ops 4, however, is basically "re-skin" of Black Ops III (for multiplayer) as there are almost no differences. Black Ops 4 only had fourteen multiplayer maps at launch with four of them being remastered versions of maps from previous games. The specialists barely differ from the ones in Black Ops III as well as the weapons and the score-streaks. So the question becomes, why was Black Ops III so good while Black Ops 4 is terrible? This game is completely lackluster, the maps are very boring and not very large. The standard multiplayer match is now 5v5 instead of 6v6 and there is no longer health regeneration. Instead of health regeneration, there is now an item ("stim shot") that gives the player a health boost, which not only uses a spot in your class, but it occupies a spot that could have been used for something else.

With Treyarch games, I have also always loved the zombies aspect. World at War and the first three Black Ops had outstanding zombies gameplay with each map being so interesting and outgoing. The Aether storyline was very intriguing and with zombies having been such a part of my childhood, it will always remind me of the days of my youth. I feel no nostalgia when playing Black Ops 4 because it once again proves to be lackluster with it somehow being even more complex than Black Ops III's zombies.

Overall, I was very excited for this game because I played Call of Duty as a kid for hours and hours each day. I was hoping that this would overtake the gaming community, but Fortnite has reigned superior as it did over PUBG. Though, it comes with no shock since this game has nothing new to offer and I would not recommend that anyone buys it.
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