Stephen Dorff SHINES!
3 February 2019
While I'm not as familiar with Mahershala Ali, who also gives an outstanding performance in all three timelines, I have to comment on Mr. Dorff's role, though I rarely take time to rate and write about television performances.

Mr. Dorff has THOROUGHLY hammered the Arkansas lawman. He is utterly believable, and so reminds me of the "ideal man" everyone strived to be in Northeast Texas, where I was born. The accent. The stoic demeanor. Even the rugged, bass tone of his voice! He wears his belt, boots and shirts the right way, too - these details may seem trivial, but I have seen countless, otherwise well-staged characters, destroyed by this lack of detail. I'm guessing the man spent some time there, at some point.

I really enjoyed Mr. Dorff in Gate, as a child actor, and most recently in "Brake", one of his better and more underrated B-movies. In "True Detectives", the man truly SHINES!

This episode sets the mood and the storyline in three timelines. Being the first, almost every other remark will be a "spoiler", so I will simply say the story is intriguing, as with the previous two seasons, and the performances stellar, again as with the last two attempts, but season three is the SEASON OF DORFF!

Watch the series just to see how a veteran actor holds the stage without "hogging" it. Bravo, maestro! Bravo!

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