Camping domination
1 February 2019
My love and appreciation for animation has overtime significantly increased, having always considered myself a big fan, with my knowledge having been extended and broadened. There wouldn't be any question of seeing anything animated regardless of the studio, director, style, how old it is and its critical reception, but will hardly say that everything animated is great. There is some bad or worse animation out there.

'Pinky and the Brain' though is an example of brilliant animation. Consider, always have considered, it even better than another personal favourite of mine 'Animaniacs'. All of that show's numerous qualities are present here yet 'Pinky and the Brain' makes them even better, and has more qualities along the way. It has always been one of my favourite shows, but love it even more as an adult, due to more knowledge of animation and understanding the humour more. Same with animation in general. 'Pinky and the Brain' is like 'Animaniacs', it has something for everybody and children and adults alike will love it, it is so much more than "just another kiddie show" and should never be dismissed as such.

This is not one of my favourite episodes though. It's still good, none of the 'Pinky and the Brain' episodes are less than worth watching, but it felt like something was missing.

Do feel that there are episodes that are more imaginative in humour and storytelling, for 'Pinky and the Brain' the idea of the episode and the plan are pretty ordinary which gives it an occasional blandness. The supporting characters have also been more memorable and distinct in other episodes.

While still very watchable and amusing, "Tinker and the Mice" is not one of those segments that sticks in the mind for a long time. "Bah Wilderness", maybe because it is longer, comes off more successfully.

However, there is little to criticise the animation quality for, though some of the drawing could have been smoother. The characters designs have no stiffness (personally think they have a little more refinement than those in 'Animaniacs'), the backgrounds are very detailed and the colours are a mix of vibrant and atmospheric. Tusic is also faultless. The scoring is dynamic and composed in a way that is always adding to the actions, expressions and gestures and doing what good music scores in animation should do in enhancing them.

Both segments, but particularly "Bah Wilderness" have many instances of smart, witty and zany writing, even if other 'Pinky and the Brain' episodes fare more consistently in this regard. Pinky and Brain's dialogue and interaction still shine. It achieves a good balance of never being too simplistic or too convoluted, with some of humour actually being more understandable through adult eyes due to the references and humour being more understandable. It is easy to follow without being childish and with an affectionate subject matter that will strike a chord with many it is also accessible. Although the storytelling by 'Pinky and the Brain' standards is a little bland and could have done with more surprises, especially in "Tinker and the Mice", it still avoids being repetitive and is still fun and nostalgic.

Constant episode stealers on 'Animaniacs', especially Brain, the more defined personalities of Pinky and Brain are as strong as ever. It is hard not to endear to Pinky and his inane comments and actions, he is not the brightest mouse on the block and Brain's frustration is understandable. But he is one of the finest examples of stupid not falling into the trap of being obnoxious, throughout the show's run Pinky never once annoyed me. Pinky instead is very funny and often hysterically so and simply adorable. Brain is the infinitely smarter one of the two, a genius in fact, although also the meaner and more intricate one. This has always been a very large contrast. Somehow though he is still very lovable, it is impossible not to fall in love with his schemes. Nor is it impossible not to love his deadpan personality and dark sarcasm.

Have always loved the relationship/chemistry between Pinky and Brain. The duo's always compelling personalities never feel false or overdone, and the depth to their contrasting personalities and relationship has not once been forgotten. The chemistry between the two is just delightful, sometimes antagonistic but there is more substance to it than all of that. It is essentially the show's heart, it was essential for it to work (make or break) and it does brilliantly. Rob Paulsen and especially Maurice LaMarche's vocal performances are top notch.

In conclusion, pretty good episode if slightly disappointing by 'Pinky and the Brain' standards. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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