I've seen these WAY too many times.(Please read my review to understand.)
30 January 2019
These videos are not necessarily "bad", but my mentally challenged sister loved them and watched them continually. I can do that with Veggie Tales movies(I still do at age 20), but I just can't with these Sing-A-Longs.

Another reason I don't care for these is I don't get some of the song selections. How do they decide goes on what tape? Like this tape, for example-why is Colors of the Wind from Pocahantas with Why Should I Worry from Oliver and Company?

I know this is nick-picky, but some of the songs they choose I don't absolutely love-like Someone's Waiting For You from the Rescuers, which is in Under The Sea. Again, what does that have to do with water?

I also remember one video-The Bare Necessitates-having a song about evolution, and I didn't care for that-it once got stuck in my head for a whole day. Again, that's nick-picky.

Also, in this day and age, we can go on You Tube and look up such songs. I do enjoy Disney songs-my favorite is Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, my favorite Disney movie.

However, that brings another point-why should DISNEY choose the songs when we can choose them in other ways? Also, why not just watch the movies they are from, which are way better? I guess that goes against my Veggie Tales point, but still, I would rather see Pocahantas than sit through this!

If you REALLY want to see these videos, I suppose there is no real harm. I don't give all of these 1 star(I'd give Topsy Turvy a 10 if I had to choose one 10), but my rating refers to the fact that I have seen these way too many times.

I see these exact videos on You Tube and I am repelled by clicking on the video. I've seen them too many times, and I have never really loved these videos-at least, in the way my sister did.

Show them to your kids if you want, but expose them to the actual movies more. I may skip these if I have my own kids.

PS, I chose to review this video in particular to review the series since this is one of my least favorite videos.
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