Worst of the Series
30 January 2019
Having got hold of the complete collection (volume 1 and 2), I found the swansong of the series is undoubtedly the worst. All others, even thought technically B movie, were almost as entertaining as any other. But this one - well stinks. And for no error of Ms Sothern or even the future first James Bond (Barry Nelson). It was not even the basic plot - but the error lay in extremely amateur conceptualization / direction. With that spoiled, it would be almost impossible for any one to overcome - and even Ms Sothern couldn't really make it watchable since at every drop of hat, incongruities cropped up.

In fact the director lost the plot and his sense, immediately after Maisie was assigned to the case, much before she bungled it. The way she inveigled into Amor's den, her behavior there - a conman of that caliber should have immediately sensed rat. And the way the rat was identified was even more ridiculous - from the embroidered name on under-cloth ? That name was itself nom-de-plume of Maisie- and on the same token, it could have been assumed to be so (after all she told them that she had come to a fortune through the will of some deceased person, and isn't a person with silver spoon birth). With the judo training, how was she so easily overpowered at the hotel? She didn't even struggle, and no guns were pointed at her. In fact she could even had her presence known, even though tied up. She was able to make some sound, except at the time when the audience could hear. It all became a pure mess, so much so that the coefficient of enjoyment that was in half of it was totally negated and more. Verdict ? Even if it is procured as a part of the series, don't watch.
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