Doctor Who: The Parting of the Ways (2005)
Season 1, Episode 13
Strong and moving season finale
30 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The season one finale was a gripping and touching finish to the season. From Rose's exciting rescue to the Doctor's fantastic speeech at the end of the episode, the finale was gripping through and through. The acting was impeccable and emotional. The Daleks serve as threatening villains suitable for the finale and Rose's reveal as the "bad wolf" is rather awesome, if not a bit unnecessarily convoluted.

Which brings us to the few negative aspects of the episode, namely, the plot holes. The bad wolf aspect is a slightly clumsy way of tying the season together, but overall works on an emotional level. Also, how Rose basically brings back only one person while leaving dead a whole slew of innocents doesn't sit well with me, especially when one seemed poised as a new companion for the TARDIS. But these are minor complaints overall and don't detract too much from the episode. Just enough to rob it of a perfect 10. 9/10
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