All Is Bright (2013)
Only Watch If You WANT To Feel Depressed
29 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's late I haven't slept I normally wouldn't bother to stay up to do a review but this movie has me so depressed I need to write a review to save someone else from similar fate. I'm going to start with the positives. Giamatti and Rudd have an amazing on-screen chemistry they work very well together you actually get to believing that they feel the way that they feel and they have a camaraderie and Brotherhood. They are truly believable in their roles and also in their feelings towards each other. The female that plays the maid for the dentists is also and amazingly believable actress I looked it up and I don't think she's actually Russian I'm not 100% on that but she was totally believable as Russian and she was just so enigmatic in her part that it just resonated throughout the movie! The daughter is a little cutie patootie I sure would have loved to seen more scenes with her in them. The point of the movie is that the two men where small-time criminals and Giamatti did four years in prison and Rudd got away with it. But while Giamatti was in prison Rudd did more than just keep an eye out for his family, he moved in and took over! So when got out of prison, he had no family, his wife had told his daughter that he died three years earlier drowning, he had no home, and he had no job. So he was going to try to get a job and was having no luck. Giamatti and Rod together worked up the idea to use Rudds truck to collect a bunch of Christmas trees where they live in Canada and drive down to New York and sell them on the streets. Hijinks ensue, trouble with other people moving in on their street corner, you get the impression that Giamatti actually kind of starts falling for this one girl when he realizes that Rudd is in love with his wife and is going to propose marriage to her, but would they are almost done and almost everything is sold, a guy comes up pretending to be blind and then robs them blind. Stealing everything including a engagement ring that Rudd had purchased. Now this is why I had to write this because I Won't Give Up the ending of the movie you're just going to have to watch it for yourself and see what it is that they decide to do after the holdup but the whole thing left me feeling absolutely hollow and cold inside. I was so angry that the movie ended the way it did it was kind of like reading the last page of the book and looking on the back cover for where the next 30 pages are. So if you don't mind watching a movie and being very angry at the end of it then this movie is for you.
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