A neat idea...but a total misfire.
21 January 2019
The idea behind "Where Do We Go from Here?" is an excellent one. Too bad the movie stinks....and it does indeed stink!

Bill Morgan (Fred MacMurray) is upset that he keeps getting rejected for military duty in WWII. He wants to do his part and get girls. So, when he discovers a magical vase and releases the genie, he asks to be able to fight in the war....but the dopey genie keeps sending him to the wrong wars and the film takes a trip through history.

Fred MacMurray is oddly cast in this film. This is because it's a musical and his singing talents are fair at best. His voice is thin but not unpleasant...but not the sort of guy you'd expect in the lead in a musical. Additionally, the comedy is limp and, combined with the songs, wears thin very, very quickly. Not fun to watch in the least.

By the way, trust me on this but the Columbus section repeats a lot of myths...such as that Columbus was trying to prove the world was round. Folks in 1492 KNEW the world was round...they just didn't want to head west because they had no idea what was there! The things you learn when you are a history teacher!
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