Review of Ja'loja

The Orville: Ja'loja (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Well written, heartfelt, hilarious episode, though lacking on science fiction.
21 January 2019
Yes, I can see why some does not like the lack of actual science fiction in this episode. Should we start giving bad critics to ST:TNG as well then, because the show had a ton of non-scifi episodes? No, of course not. In fact, some of the strongest episodes were exactly that. Exploring the people.

That said I won't say this is a masterpiece. But it's funny. VERY funny. It has good development of the characters. It has some heartfelt moments. It's well written, well acted.

Again, no masterpiece, but to say this is a bad episode?

Prrrrrrf, give me a break. I will in fact say it's a GREAT way to start off the season! Give me that development! It's not even rushed, just an easing in, and doing it well.

Far from a bad episode, not a fantastic episode, but I think it was great. I laughed, I smiled, enjoy every bit of it. Wonderful start to the season.
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