Review of Glass

Glass (2019)
Empty Glass
20 January 2019
I was engrossed in the movie and the movie felt more and more empty as it plodded along. James MacAvoy saves the movie, but again the build-up is lacking in substance and not enough to make the movie going experience complete. The whole movie is underwhenlming.

Mr Shyamalan comes accross as self-indugent and full of himself. The references to comics and archetypes are superficial and not deep enough. I am assuming that Mr Shyamalan has read about Jungian archetypes, well, where is the impact in the story? All the characters, and their depth is ultimately wasted. As a viewer I felt betrayed, and my time invested in analysing the depth of characters taken for granted, and trodded upon. Lazy ending, and a shame. There is also a play on morality which is all a bit bizzare.

So I cannot give it more than a 5. Bizzare and creepy camera angles and positioning is, well, just creepy and not lending itself to the storyline. It seems like it has a purpose for the first half of the movie and then it gets annoying.

All the McAvoy clips should be put together into a 15 min reel and it would have bilions of views on Youtube. Other than that this movie is just rubbish.

If there is another Mr Shyamalan movie, I might give it a miss. Thanks for reading.
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