Spaced (1999–2001)
Fantastic early work from Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright, Nick Frost and co.
20 January 2019
Having now finished this series I consider it amongst my favourite ever comedies. The writing from Jessica Hynes and Simon Pegg is hilarious and heartfelt, and often very clever, resulting in great payoffs and well-rounded and quirky characters who all have such personality. The dramatic moments which are included are also thankfully not undermined by this and feel a natural addition to the story. All of the actors do a great job with their performances as well.

Another thing that must be praised is Edgar Wright's direction which goes above and beyond anything comedies usually do, especially with the dynamic camerawork and editing, which greatly help in the construction of a lot of the jokes.

What was also executed so well were the numerous references and homages to popular culture, which usually help the overall effect of a joke, rather than just be the joke in of itself and lose any potential because of it. It was also great to see a lot of well-known British actors appear in minor roles in this before they became popular, as they are a fair amount of them.

Overall, this is a practically perfect British comedy which I would highly recommend. It got everything it could out of two great series and ended on a lovely note.
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