THOUGHTFUL FILM about a sad day on world history
18 January 2019
This tell another story from WW2 which shows just how but the war was many people that were just civilian died for no reason at the hand of dictators and many country had their moments of sin. This is just one case where it shows that it was not just hitler who would be tried of war crimes if it happened today. The film show how millitary died but not deep enough to show Those who died at Katyn included an, admiral, two generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains, naval captains, privates, non-commissioned officers, and chaplains, pilots, government representatives and royalty a prince, officials, and civilians three landowners, refugees, university professors, physicians; lawyers, engineers, and teachers; and writers and journalists and Polish generals.This was all on the orders of starlin and churchil knew about it but did nothing. The fullstory is on wikipedia. If only this was isolated case look at World_War_II_massacres on wiki.
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