Review of 112

From the Bottom to the Top: 112 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Check it out!
16 January 2019
I have heard of this show as the star shows up on Varney & Co that I watch every day and finally decided to watch it. What a GREAT GREAT show!! I guess having been out of the bar scene for 40 + years I did not know how sleazy people can dress. Just a GREAT show all over, I highly recommend the show!

gives you a definite awareness of things to look for when hitting bars on your own, understand why things are on a menu, spot staff with(out) discipline and generally makes you from having viewed this, a more educated patron. It also drives home a solid point that many seem to miss, don't think owning a bar/grill is a fun thing to do, its not. Its hard work and your 2nd religion had better be cleaning.
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