Two Pigeons (2017)
Made me gag a couple of times. Much better than its ratings.
14 January 2019
I stumbled on this movie by accident. The poster says Freehold but actually the title is Two Pigeons. I have no clue why you would name a movie with two different titles. I always look up the ratings before watching something so my hopes were not very high after seeing the ratings it got. But a low rating doesn't mean a bad movie, certainly not on IMDb. That's been proven before and it's been proven again with this movie. If you don't read anything about the movie, like I did, then you will be guessing what's going on. It starts slow and mysterious, but quickly evolves in some disgusting and gross scenes. Scenes that were perfect to me as it made me even more curious about the story. The cast was very good and every character added something to this special story. Javier Botet as Orlan is just mindblowing in his role. Due to his disease (Marfan Syndrome) he looks very unhealthy and creepy but his acting was on top. I would have made the end a bit more malevolent but it wasn't bad. Two Pigeons, a movie that made me turn my head and gag a couple of times, not as a slasher or so as there is alsmost no blood, but more because of our own imagination if those things happened to us. A movie that surprised me and that deserves a higher rating.
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