Review of Brexit

Brexit (2019 TV Movie)
Superb drama by a Remainer.
10 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Taken purely as a drama, this is a great piece of television. Benedict Cumberbatch produced another top notch performance as Dominic Cummings. Overall it kept you hooked and fascinated by the machinations leading up to the referendum.

To a degree, it struck a degree of balance highlighting how out of touch the establishment had become from the electorate. It's overarching problem though, as is the case for much of the discourse on Brexit, is that it is London centric and views the issues through that prism. It therefore fails to understand the motivation by large swathes of the public for voting for Brexit. It falls back on the poor, ill-educated, elderly left behind trope as the primary reason for the vote. Little or no mention of the primary reason for many being the democratic deficit of the EU and the concern in the direction of travel of that institution.

Add in the fact that most of the Brexiteers were portrayed as eccentric buffoons (particularly unfair and Nigel Farage without whom there would have been no referendum) and all those on the Remain side were level-headed rational individuals the bias of the writers and producers are laid bare.

I have given it a generous '7' recognising the quality of the production. Had it displayed better objectivity and understanding of the real issues outside London then it would have been worthy of a '9'.
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