Hello Pop (1933)
Not funny. Dreadful picture
10 January 2019
This picture is awful. It isn't funny. The only interesting part was the musical sequence from "It's a Great Life" (1929).

The Warner Archive found several negatives to Two Color Technicolor features from 1929-1930 at the same time they discovered this tripe of a short and yet it has been over five years and we have yet to see anything about those important features being restored or released. Meanwhile this garbage gets released in a manner of months! The features include "Golden Dawn" 1930 Sweet Kitty Bellairs" 1930 and "The Life Of The Party" 1930

Quote "Ned Price says a "deep search" of Warners' own vaults recently turned up "a few" two-color Technicolor negatives for features that were only believed to exist in black-and-white versions created for the early TV market (he didn't disclose any titles). "The belief was that we didn't keep any of them. But you can't take anything at face value.""
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