Survivor Series (2012 TV Special)
An Average PPV With a Terrible Ending
8 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like Hell In A Cell from that year, I watched this one live. While there are a few solid matches, it still feels very average overall. Like the show preceding it, it also left me feeling cheated because of a big-time screwjob ending in the main event.

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: Brodus Clay, Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara and Tyson Kidd vs. The Prime Time Players, Primo and Epico, and Tensai - This match was a lot of fun. The high-flying and fast action throughout helped make this a solid opener that got the crowd riled up for the show. The talent on display here is very evident. The face team wins with Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara being the survivors. RATING: ***1/4

United States Championship Match: Antonio Cesaro (c) vs. R-Truth - An average filler match, just like Cesaro's bout with Justin Gabriel a month earlier. They don't have much chemistry, and it wasn't even very long. Cesaro wins with the Neutralizer. RATING: **1/4

World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Big Show (c) vs. Sheamus - The match isn't terrible, but it's definitely the weakest of their 2012 PPV trilogy. They were on their way toward making another solid match, but the booking at the end kind of ruined it. Big Show is declared the winner, but the decision is then reversed and Sheamus wins by disqualification. Well, that was pointless. RATING: **1/2

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team Ziggler vs. Team Foley - The match of the night right here. As to be expected, the wrestlers brought their A-game and there were some really solid exchanges throughout. They built some good drama toward the end, and it genuinely surprised me that Ziggler actually won when I saw it live. He wins by last eliminating Randy Orton. RATING: ***1/2

Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: CM Punk (c) vs. John Cena vs. Ryback - For the most part, this was a pretty solid Triple Threat match. Cena and Punk surprisingly manage to carry Ryback pretty well, and there were some good spots throughout. However, like Punk and Ryback from HIAC, there was yet another screwjob finish. CM Punk retains his title after The Shield make their debut and attack Ryback. RATING: ***

I won't doubt that there was some good stuff on here, but it wasn't really anything overly special. I really hated The Shield and don't miss that faction at all. This show and that year's Hell In A Cell PPV are a big part of the reason why I don't watch PPV's live anymore. I just don't like screwjob finishes and I haven't bothered taking any more chances after that. Not a terrible show overall, but not really worth going out of your way to see.

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