The story kills the movie
5 January 2019
Start of the movie is okay but it becomes apparent it is not just a great sword from the movies title but a super sword. So if this is not your style then go for next movie.

Then we come to the classical evil first student want possession of the super sword. Lets face it we do usually not watch martial arts movies for the acting. In this movie they try to make a story heavy revenge movie that do require acting and it fails miserably. The movie it just seem to drag on and on with very little martial arts and us waiting for the final confrontation.

With half an hour left there comes a new plot twist that some may find amazing. I just thought oh my god have they been taking too many drugs? At this time I already felt like the movie had been on for more than 2 hours and did not really care about the end anymore. The end did in my opinion not do anything to improve my view of the movie though.

I have enjoyed most of the earlier Shaw Brothers martial arts movies. This one I would recommend skipping and take something else instead.
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