A story of an extreme egocentric
3 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Anderson - Anatomie des Verrats" tells the story of Sascha Anderson, a former hero of the oppositional art scene in the GDR, who later turned out to be an informant for the Stasi, thus betraying many friends that put great hope and trust in him. Through interviews with him and the people he betrayed a portrait is painted of a very egocentric personality and its consequences.

The story in itself is very interesting, especially since this is probably one of the most shocking cases of Stasi informants known, due to the oppositional image and leadership of Anderson. In a way the problem of the documentary is that the story is told quite quickly. You do get additional and probably never before available insights into the oppositional scene of that era but the story itself is a quite clear and simple one and the interviews with Anderson just increase the anger against a man that seems to have no concious or sense of having done anything wrong.

All in all it is a story worth being told that the film looks at from different perspectives and with first-hand witnesses. However it would have maybe been better to center the movie around the oppositional scene rather than around Sascha Anderson because it had allowed for a broader approach.
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