Great MOVIE 🛳🌊
31 December 2018
I still don't understand how people get on here and write reviews about movies, with statements like wasted actors talent, campy, don't you understand this movie was made in 1972 there was no CGI and copying movie like it's done today, this was an original and won awards and was up for many more nominations, these actors weren't wasted they were continuing to develop their craft. I saw this as a 6yr old and still remember it today on New Years Eve as I just watched it this morning bringing back so many memories that made me the movie buff I am. I never forgot it from the wonderful soundtrack (Oscar winning ) and the cinematography (Oscar winning) which was earned the old fashioned way imagination, not by some computer generated initiative. I love movies today but I still remember good movies and how they were made in yesteryear also. It's kinda like comparing atheletes when people(younger people especially) when they say Lebron is better than Oscar R or Michael J, the players are all great in their time, if either Michael or Oscar were here today they would still be GREAT, as Lebron is today, but to say he is better is foolish, This a Great Movie today as it was in 1973. PERIOD!!
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