Review of Doonby

Doonby (2013)
Earth, Mind, Conformity and Sanity
31 December 2018
Look, the production is not at the scale of IRON MAN. However, any bad reviews are not warranted. The story will only be identifiable by anyone that has depth and has had a lot of life experiences, deep, deep experiences. Experiences that you have not shared with many, or with anyone. There is a lot to this script. Delving into the depth of human nature and the reality that we are an imperfect species on this planet. What is this planet? What is this world? Who are we? Where are we from? How does the brain work? What we have to conform to exist and be excepted in this world. We have no clue what we are. We just traipse along in life ... wondering and acting out and experiencing experiences ... never finding the truth. Maybe in 2070 we will know! This movie depicts what a mess we really are on this planet.
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