31 December 2018
This clearly puts the eternal debate on capital punishment on trial. No movie, or set of packaged images designed to build momentum in the audience attention, will adequately cover the articulation of the arguments. It did cover the potential complexities that are usually unknown and seldom adequately presented in these situations. Retributive justice provides temporary soothing to those who care for the victims, but society as, a whole is led to believe that a subset of humanity is inherently and incorrigibly evil, so the only solution is to remove that subset. Then there is another intersecting subset that believes they are justified in administering capital punishment without legal authorization. The leadership of society could solve this by implementing legislation that responds to capital crime with complete loss of freedom and devise anti- corruption measures that largely eliminate the possibility of corruption occurring. Leaders envision and can improve humanity by starting at the bottom: humane treatment of it lowest elements. Then a clear message is sent that all have hope; hope reduces desperation, hope introduces options, and hope is beginning of a better existence. That is how a society should be led , rather cathartically lowering itself to respond with an equal crime. Yes we can protect society without prescribed executions; so let's fight like hell for the living
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