Review of Harmony

Harmony (2015)
Would we be better off without souls?
27 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
That's the interesting question that this film tries (eventually) to ask, but it never gets very far with an answer. Instead it provides a lot of bloviating philosophy, some of which was probably lost in translation. Maybe it's deep in the original Japanese, but it didn't make any sense in English. Instead of spending time on an interesting "what-if" question, the basis of a lot of excellent SciFi / speculative fiction, we instead are subjected to many, many flashbacks of a prissy, depressed teenage girl who wants to burn the world.

Harmony does succeed occasionally in achieving a bit of a creepy aura, but the gore isn't effective, just ... a bit gory. There are a number of secondary characters who exhibit some potential to be interesting, but none of them stick around for more than a few minutes. Our hero, Tuan, is enigmatic, by turns a rum-runner, an important member of a powerful inner circle of international investigators, and a sensitive individual with an unresolved crush on her childhood girlfriend. But it never comes together.

As for the plot, it has a lot of potential. Society is seemingly a utopia, with advanced drugs that make you live forever in perfect harmony. But someone has hacked the pharmaceutical system and has leapfrogged to hacking people's brains, making them commit suicide. As the flashbacks and plot progress, the finger is increasing pointing towards Miach, the childhood friend.

But ultimately potential is all this movie has. The ending is abrupt and inconclusive. Was it murder or a double-suicide? How will Tuan prevent the apocalypse? Was the Harmony project right or wrong? Perhaps the filmmakers thought it would be deep to leave these threads hanging loose, but I think it just shows that they didn't have any answers. Like the film, they had some high-concept ideas, but didn't have what it took to see them through.
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