This Movie Stinks!
26 December 2018
I attended the opening of this movie in Athens, Greece. I will be spending the rest of my life attempting to erase the memory of watching this terrible film. This is a bad film because it is just plain DUMB.

Greece produced a string of inane, forgettable, films in the 70s and early 80s, movies that attempted to be "hip" or "in," but failed miserably because they were dumb movies. These movies - like this one - usually relied on symbols of national pride to revive their worth. This movie is one of them. This movie, then, like so many others, had the obligatory scenes at the Acropolis and at a sea-side beach.

Even those scenes cannot save the movie. This movie is dumber than a sack of rocks. The premise is dumb, the script is dumb, the plot - to the extent it has one - is dumb, and the acting is exaggerated and inane. Worse of all, it is marketed as a comedy, but it is not funny. Yes, the audience was laughing. But its humor relied on cheap shots - crouch jokes, "naughty" words, that sort of thing. Lowbrow humor at its best - or worst.

Its not even its lowbrow humor. It seems like this movie was thrown together. In one scene in particular a character as whacked - you guessed it - in his private parts. The camera moves back and forth to show this character. In some parts he is wreathing in pain, in other parts he is not. In other words, the movie editor should be sacked.

Finally, this movie is confirmation of a rule in movie-making: The farther along franchise films are released, the worse the franchise product becomes. Recall the Rocky franchise. This is the third in a Bachelor franchise. The original Bachelor was watchable; Bachelor 2 had its moments. This one - avoid it at all costs.
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