The Symphony Concert
24 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In 1903, in London, the prominent classical pianist George Harvey Bone (Laird Cregar) stabs a shop owner to death and set his store on fire. He returns home with amnesia, a dagger on his pocket and blood on his blazer and he meets his girlfriend Barbara Chapman (Faye Marlowe) and her father Sir Henry Chapman (Alan Napier) waiting for him. George is composing a piano concerto to make his debut in a symphony concert and is stressed with the situation. What he does not know is that when he hears dissonant sounds he turns into a killer. George confesses to Barbara that he cannot recall what he did along that day and when they read the crime of the shop owner in the newspaper, George decides to see Dr. Allan Middleton (George Sanders) from the Scotland Yard and discloses what happened. Dr. Middleton investigates the case and tranquilizes George. However he advises George to see other persons and have entertainment. One night, George goes to a pub and meet his acquaintance Mickey that introduces him to the ambitious untalented singer Netta Longdon (Linda Darnell). She seduces him and uses George to compose melodies to raise money with Mickey and spend his money in dinners in fancy places. When George proposes Netta to get married with him, he learns that he was used and she will marry Mickey. He returns home and accidentally drops his violins, producing a dissonance. What will happen next?

"Hangover Street" is a melodramatic crime film with a particularity since the killer is known in the first scene. Therefore there is no mystery but the screenplay keeps the attention of the viewer until the very last scene. The black and white cinematography and sets are top-notch, showing London in the beginning of the Twentieth Century. The music score by Bernard Herrmann is awesome and Laird Cregar convinces in the role of a pianist in his last work. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Concerto Macabro" ("Macabre Concert")
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