Dirty Movie (2011)
Dirty Genius....Just Pure, Trashy, Unbridled Offensive Fun
24 December 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed this. I had this for years. We live in a depressing era where Social Justice, Identity Politics, and the insane are trying to push Communism in the west through restricting words, thoughts and all free speech that MAY offend.

In 2018, I need to lack to the past for fun. I am a fan of sexploitation movies from the 70's and stand up comedy. In 2012, there was a war on straight men, the West and free speech.

Movies haven't evolved. They have gone back due to identity politics, feminism, CGI and the directors who no longer want to work hard.

Dirty Movie came out and sadly, it was towards the end of the free speech era. If this was made before the Obama election, this would have hit cult status like Kung Pow.

Dirty movie is about well, dirty offensive jokes....wrapped in a story about 2 guys who are wanting to make a dirty movie. It's Inception of the comedy movie world....

If a Liberal or a college student realize this movie exists, they will literally try to lock this movie in a vault. This might be the greatest offensive funny movie ever made and too little people know it.

If you are tired of the politically correct....this movie is for you. I watched it 3 times...because some jokes I simply forgot....and I need to be offended and laugh once in a while.

I give it a solid 9 out of 10.

PS: What's long and hard and has seamen in it? A submarine!
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