Fun 80's Riff tthat Make Us Want to Go Commando
24 December 2018
I am an 80's fan. I love cheese, sexy women, action, adventure and machismo. Modern movies seem to lack all these things. The grit, the blood and the sweat is lost in today's movie making experience.

Then independent film makers emerge and give us something mindbogglingly glorious like Commando Ninja, which can be found via youtube.

It seems only way modern movies can capture the lost enthusiasm of the 80's today, is to make a small production yet innovative, whacky, balls to the wall, cheesy nostalgia satire/riff of those movies we once loved as kids in the 80's and early 90's.

Commando Ninja seems to combine Godfrey Ho(Director of many 80's Ninja movies), with Arnold Schwarzenegger's Predator-esque ninjas, and throws it in a blender with some funky, 80's inspired schlock and music and you know what, it works....it works well.

The plot fairly simple. A man on a mission to rescue his family and friends, who are being killed off by enemies from the past. Then you throw in tons of cheese, revenge, and testosterone filled heroism. It's a a mix of flashbacks and the current day 1980's settings and fans of 80's action heroes will spot homages to Rambo, Predator, American Ninja and everything inbetween.

The movie is loads of fun and I highly recommend watching it, then purchasing the soundtrack if the musical score impressed you as it did me.

I give it an easy 9.5 out of 10. Tons of fun, action, homages, innovative film making that reminds us that small production values, nostalgia and testosterone can work.
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